
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>

/*                                                           */
/* This subroutine computes next values within global domain */
/*                                                           */

void computeNext(double** x0, double** x, int size_x, int size_y, double dt, double hx,
                 double hy, double* diff, double k0) {

   /* Index variables */
   int i, j;

   /* Factors for the stencil */
   double diagx, diagy, weightx, weighty;

   /* Local variable for computing difference */
   double ldiff;

   /* The stencil of the explicit operator for the heat equation
      on a regular rectangular grid using a five point finite difference
      scheme in space is :

      |                                    weightx * x[i-1][j]                                    |
      |                                                                                           |
      | weighty * x[i][j-1]   (diagx * weightx + diagy * weighty) * x[i][j]   weighty * x[i][j+1] |
      |                                                                                           |
      |                                    weightx * x[i+1][j]                                    | */

   diagx = -2.0 + hx*hx/(2*k0*dt);
   diagy = -2.0 + hy*hy/(2*k0*dt);
   weightx = k0*dt/(hx*hx);
   weighty = k0*dt/(hy*hy);

   /* Perform an explicit update on the points within the domain.
      Optimization : inner loop on columns index (second index) since
      C is row major */
   for (i=1;i<=size_x;i++)
      for (j=1;j<=size_y;j++)
         x[i][j] = weightx*(x0[i-1][j] + x0[i+1][j] + x0[i][j]*diagx)
                 + weighty*(x0[i][j-1] + x0[i][j+1] + x0[i][j]*diagy);

   /* Compute the difference into domain for convergence.
      Update the value x0(i,j).
      Optimization : inner loop on columns index (second index) since
      C is row major */
   *diff = 0.0;
   for (i=1;i<=size_x;i++)
      for (j=1;j<=size_y;j++) {
         ldiff = x0[i][j] - x[i][j];
         *diff += ldiff*ldiff;
         x0[i][j] = x[i][j];

/*                                                                       */
/* This subroutine sets up the initial temperature on borders and inside */
/*                                                                       */

void initValues(double** x0, int x_dim, int y_dim, double temp1_init, double temp2_init) {

   /* Index variables */
   int i, j;

   /* Setup temp1_init on borders */
   for (i=0;i<=x_dim+1;i++) {
      x0[i][0] = temp1_init;
      x0[i][y_dim+1] = temp1_init;

   for (j=0;j<=y_dim+1;j++) {
      x0[0][j] = temp1_init;
      x0[x_dim+1][j] = temp1_init;

   /* Setup temp2_init inside */
   for (i=1;i<=x_dim;i++)
      for (j=1;j<=y_dim;j++)
         x0[i][j] = temp2_init;

#define min(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))

int main(void) {

   /* Index variables */
   int i, j;

   /* Output file descriptor */
   FILE* file;

   /* Dimensions parameters */
   int size_x, size_y, size_total_x, size_total_y;

   /* Arrays */
   double **x;
   double **x0;

   /* Space and time steps */
   double dt1, dt2, dt, hx, hy;

   /* Current global difference and limit convergence */
   double result, epsilon;

   /* Convergence pseudo-boolean */
   int convergence = 0;

   /* Time and step variables */
   double t;
   int step;

   /* Max step */
   int maxStep;

   /* Variables for clock */
   clock_t time_init, time_final;
   double elapsed_time;

   /* Physical parameters */
   double temp1_init, temp2_init, k0;

   /* temp1_init: temperature init on borders */
   temp1_init = 10.0;

   /* temp2_init: temperature init inside */
   temp2_init = -10.0;

   /* Diffusivity coefficient */
   k0 = 1;

   /* Get input parameters */
   printf("Size x of the square \n");
   scanf("%d", &size_x);
   printf("Size y of the square \n");
   scanf("%d", &size_y);
   printf("Max. number of steps \n");
   scanf("%d", &maxStep);
   printf("Time step\n");
   scanf("%lf", &dt1);
   printf("Convergence \n");
   scanf("%lf", &epsilon);

   /* Define total sizes */
   size_total_x = size_x+2;
   size_total_y = size_y+2;

   /* Compute space and time steps */
   hx = 1.0/(double)(size_total_x);
   hy = 1.0/(double)(size_total_y);
   dt2 = 0.25*(min(hx,hy)*min(hx,hy))/k0;

   /* Take a right time step for convergence */
   if (dt1>=dt2) {
     printf("  Time step too large in 'param' file -"
            " Taking convergence criterion\n");
     dt = dt2;
   else dt = dt1;

   /* Allocate 2D arrays x and x0 :
      size_total_x rows and size_total_y columns */
   x = malloc(size_total_x*sizeof(*x));
   x0 = malloc(size_total_x*sizeof(*x0));
   for (i=0;i<size_total_x;i++) {
      x[i] = malloc(size_total_y*sizeof(**x));
      x0[i] = malloc(size_total_y*sizeof(**x0));

   /* Initialize values */
   initValues(x0, size_x, size_y, temp1_init, temp2_init);

   /* Initialize step and time */
   step = 0;
   t = 0.0;

   /* Starting time */
   time_init = clock();

   /* Main loop : until convergence */
   while (!convergence) {
      /* Increment step and time */
      step = step+1;
      t = t+dt;
      /* Perform one step of the explicit scheme */
      computeNext(x0, x, size_x, size_y, dt, hx, hy, &result, k0);
      /* Current global difference */
      result = sqrt(result);
      /* Break if convergence reached or step greater than maxStep */
      if ((result<epsilon) || (step>=maxStep)) break;

   /* Ending time */
   time_final = clock();
   /* Elapsed time */
   elapsed_time = (time_final - time_init)*1e-6;

   /* Print results */
   printf("  Time step = %.9e\n",dt);
   printf("  Convergence = %.9f after %d steps\n",epsilon,step);
   printf("  Problem size = %d\n",size_x*size_y);
   printf("  Wall Clock = %.9f\n",elapsed_time);
   printf("  Computed solution in outputSeq.dat\n");

   /* Store solution into output file :
      size_total_x = width
      size_total_y = height */
   for (j=0;j<size_total_y;j++) {
      for (i=0;i<size_total_x;i++) {
         if (i) fputc(' ',file);

   /* Free all arrays */
   for (i=0;i<size_total_x;i++) {

   return 0;

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