What is GNS3

<a href="https://www.sysnettechsolutions.com/en/gns3/what-is-gns3/">What is GNS3</a>

<p>The popular graphics simulation software of GNS3 networks has been updated with significant changes. The main feature of the new version GNS3 1.4 is that it includes the GNS3 VM, its own virtual machine running on VMware or Virtual Box, with all the tools that are virtually installed, and that it can be easily updated.
<p>In addition to the addition of the GNS3 VM, which we will explain soon, this new release allows the installation of devices that use .gns3a files that can be easily downloaded from your own store. Other features include full integration with VMware (Workstation as well as Fusion), so that we can "read" and run the virtual machines that we have configured in VMware.</p>

<p>Other features of GNS3 are that we support adding custom icons, not just those that come with the software itself. This new release also provides remote packet capture, image and device upload to a remote server, VNC support for Qemu, and support for Retina Display resolutions from Mac OS X.</p>

<p>Finally, setup wizards have been redesigned to make the software wizard easier and start designing networks.</p>

<p>You can download the new version of GNS3 from the official download website for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, and install it directly from your distribution repositories for Linux systems.</p>

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